Tuesday 13 March 2012

Mushroom soup( creamy ) ready within 30 min.西式奶油蘑菇汤30分钟内完成

Mushroom soup( creamy ) 西奶油蘑菇汤
Ingredients (材料):  Serving for 3-4 persons 3-4人份
Today wanted to share another easy way of cooking. This soup can be ready within 30 min.

100-125g Fresh mushrooms–Shiitake/Portabello       100-125克新鲜日本
100-150 ml water                                                         100-150 毫升的水
1 small onion or  half big onion                                  一小粒洋葱或/大洋葱
½ cup of Chicken broth + salt or  1 teaspoon chicken/fish stock+ 100ml water
鸡汤半杯+  1茶匙鸡/+100ml
20g of butter                                                               20
3 table spoons of flour                                                3汤匙面粉
250 ml full cream milk                                                250毫升全脂牛奶
100g of whipping cream/heavy cream                       100克鲜奶油
Pepper                                                                         胡椒


  1. Cut mushrooms and onion into small portion, add water to grind them. 菇和洋葱切成小,加水研磨。
  2. Boil the grinded mixture of mushrooms . 煮蘑菇研磨混合物。

3. Add in the chicken/fish stock plus water or Chicken broth plus salt. 放入鸡汤半杯+  1茶匙鸡/+100ml
4After boiled turn to low heat and continue to simmer for 10min. 煮沸后转小火煮,继续煨10分钟。
5.At the same time, melt the butter in another pan and add flour to make a  paste in low heat. 同时,在另一个锅里融化油,加入面粉,拌成面糊
6.Mix this paste into the mushroom soup. It is not easy to mix this sticky paste into the soup evenly. My method is  move some mushroom soup out into the pan to dilute and soften the paste .  By doing so , it will be more easy to mix  into the mushroom soup.  Mixed till never see any dot of paste anymore. 不容易糊均匀地混入汤。我的方法是一些蘑菇汤入锅内以软化糊。这样做,更容易糊混入蘑菇汤。混合至没有看到任何为止
7.After mixed well, turn the fire into medium and pour the milk into the soup. Continue to stir constantly until the soup begin to boil. 混合均匀后,转中火,倒入牛奶。继续搅拌,直到汤开始沸腾。


8.Turn the fire into low heat and pour in the whipping cream , cook without boiling for another 10min. 转低火,倒入奶油,煮另一个10分钟。不沸。
9. Serving with pepper powder. 吃时配上胡椒粉。 
Remark: This soup is  high-fat and high cholesterol, hypertension and high cholesterol patient should not eat too much ..... 注:此汤是高脂肪,高胆固醇,高血压和高胆固醇的病人不宜吃太多的......

Next round will share the method of doing garlic bread. Is easy and ready within 30 min too….下一轮将分享大蒜面包的做方法。很容易也是能30分钟内准备......