Sunday 4 December 2011

How to heal our cracked heels

I used to have cracked heels often referred to as heel fissures. It lasted several years and it has always been a nuisance . . .

1 * At first, I bought many lotions specially for cracked heels and apply it on my heels on and off for a periods of time but it seem cannot fully recover. . . .

2 *, I tried going for pedicure , beautician helped me scrub my feet removing the dead cells from my feet. . .After the treatment, my feets are soft and smooth. . But soon, after about 3 to 4 days, the skin became dry again and cracks started appearing.

3 * Soon after, I start to do scrubbing my feet at home and learn how to take care of my heels like the Koreans. South Korea is a dry country, many women wear socks at home to keep their feet moisturized. We often see it on Korean dramas. I will apply the lotion and wear socks before going to bed. This method keeps my feet moist when I do it everyday. However, it is very troublesome and I do not adhere to do it daily. Whenever I’m busy or forget, my heels will dry, harden and crack.

4 * Recently, I found a very simple way to solve this problem...
First of all, from my experience, my cracked heels seem is a very serious problem to me. At the same time, doctor reminded me to watch my cholesterol level, because my cholesterol level has crossed the border because of my diet. I like to eat western foods such as: creamy mushroom soup, pasta, cheese cake, cookies that contains a lot of cheese, cream and butter.
Even though it did not require any medical treatment but I think it is best to avoid taking medicine (such as tablets) as they will remain in our kidneys, thus causing side effects.
So I decided to eat nutritional supplements to adjust my cholesterol level. (There is no blood test done, so I am unsure about the effect at this moment)

However, after 10 days of eating Omega 3 soft capsule, I realized that my heel cracks are gone. After 40 days later, I realized the following:-

1) We need to drink enough water.
2) Putting on lotion once a week or twice a month will help reduce the dryness of our skin. My heels became a little dry because I did nothing in these 40 days. Well, at least the condition of my feet is not cracked ! I’m so happy about it ! ! !
3) The nutritional supplements that we took need to be pure . I took 1000mg of fish oil in a soft capsule everyday, equivalent to 500 mg of Omega 3 , 300 mg EPA and 200 mg of DHA.

If the cracked heels problem is not as serious as me, method 1* or 3*.might be sufficient already.

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