Monday 6 February 2012

How to make soy milk at home ? 如何在家里自制豆浆

It is easy to make soy milk at homeit might only take you 30 min to do it. You may buy an automatic soymilk maker . (also known as  soy milk machine) or you actually can do without the machine.
Here we do without the machine as I don’t want the machine to occupy  our home space. 在家里做豆浆是一件很容易的事.它可能只需要花你30分钟时间。你可以买一个全自动豆浆机(也称为豆奶机),或者你其实也不需要机器。在这里,我们没有豆浆机的方法,不买豆浆机占据我们的家居空间。

Step 1: Ingredients 第一步:主料

有机黄豆1碗,水9.5碗。普通大豆,我建议用9碗水 即可(如果您需要的主料成分用克来计算,让我知道。我可以测量你,我大约每周做豆浆2次。)
1 bowl of organic  soya beans 9.5 bowls of water.  Normal soybeans , I suggest with 9 bowls of water (if you need the ingredients in gram. let me know, I will measure for you. I used to do it 2 times a week)
Step 2: Soaking the soya beans第二步:泡软黄豆
黄豆洗净,放在水中浸泡放入冰箱过夜。泡软需要10 小时以上。Wash the soya beans and soak them in water for overnight by keeping them in the fridge. Approx   10  hours and above.
Step 3: Grinding the soya beans第三步:磨黄豆

1Grind the soaked soya beans with 3 bowls of  water in a blender for not more than one minute . Sieve the mixture using coffee bag or cheese cloth as filter. The insoluble ingredient  which remains on the sieve is called okara/ soybean residue. 2) place soybean residue with another  3 bowls of water, repeat on the blender, power stirring not more than two minutes Sieve the mixture using coffee bag or cheese cloth as filter. 3) The third round , placed the okara by adding 3.5 bowls of water in the blender and power stirring not more than three minutes. Sieve the mixture. The okara can be used to make  bean paste, bread material or for animal feed.


Step  4: Boiling the soy milk第四步:煮豆浆

Add sugar into  soy milk. (Chinese used to drink sweet soymilk) Heat the soy milk till boiling point and continue boiling for 1 minutes. Must ready a bigger pot, soy milk easily overflow upon boiling . After boiled, remove the bubble on the top surface of the soy milk.Raw soy beans contain toxins , fully boiled is to prevent stomach upset. Kept the soy milk  in the fridge can last for 3 days.

Remark备注:: you may add flavoring to your soy milk您可以添加调味改善口味。
The soy milk can be drunk in sweet as such, or you can add some salt. As for me, I will add ginger while boiling the milk. (Ginger help in reduce stomach 's wind)) 豆浆可以这样喝甜的,或者你可以添加一些盐。或者我加生姜沸。姜帮助减少胃风)

Soymilk is an excellent source of protein, B-vitamins ,iron and calcium. It has low levels of saturated fat and no cholesterol. 豆浆是一种优良的蛋白质来源,B族维生素,,和钙。它具有低饱和脂肪,无胆固醇。

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