Tuesday 17 January 2012

How to make Tiramisu(Italian dessert)怎样制作提拉米苏(意大利甜点)


Mascarpone cheese 500g                       乳酪  500克          
egg yolks                  6pcs                      蛋    6个
sugar                        180g                      白糖 180克
Lady finger                                            手指饼干
Liqueur : Tia Maria/Rum/Brandy/Amaretto  甜酒      
(as little or as much as you like according to taste,I use to add 13 teaspoons)
instant coffee powder                            即溶咖啡粉
(prefer espresso coffee from coffee machine )喜欢特浓咖啡直接从咖啡机出来,
cocoa powder                                       可可粉


1         将蛋白和蛋黄分开separate egg yolk & egg white
2         混合蛋黄,白糖,乳酪和甜酒 mix cheese, ,egg yolks ,sugar and wine equally until sugar dissolved.


3         把咖啡粉溶解在一杯温水中,适量取决于你要多少咖啡的味道和您使用的品牌。并一边待凉Dissolved the coffee powder in a cup of warm water, depend how much coffee taste and the brand that you use. And set a side to cold it.
4         手指饼干稍微蘸上咖啡水,排入杯子,小心,要快,手指饼容易烂。Dip finger biscuits in coffee, be careful & quick, finger biscuits easily  rotten ,place it into your cups...

5         铺上奶酪混合物在饼干,spread the cheese mixture on the top of the biscuits
6         上可可粉薄层, sift layer of cocoa powder on the top.
7         重复以上步 repeat the steps.
8         送入冰箱冷冻3小时, chill for 3 hours.

下一轮将上传蛋糕模式的食谱, 谢谢。烹饪快!
next round will upload cake pattern  recipe. Thank you. Happy cooking!!!

Advice: This dessert is high-fat and high cholesterol. Thus, high blood pressure and high cholesterol patients should not eat too much .....

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